You’ll frequently run into Ballroom Dance Preservation Society members and friends dancing anywhere from the North Strand area down to the South Strand.
Patio’s Tiki Bar 4495 Mineola Ave, Little River, SC – nice outside wood patio with room for dancing. On the Intercoastal Waterway phone 843-427-7228 Music usually starts at 5 pm Call for schedule.
Mulligans Sports Bar & Restaurant, 1359 Highway 17, Little River SC- Entertainment and dancing Friday and Saturday nights at 7 pm phone 843-249-7145
Vine Bistro, 9734 N Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach – Great wood floor. We dance here a lot. Thursdays thru Sunday Jerry Layne provides dancings to piano music starting at 8, and Larry Tannelli and Claudette are there frequently. You can call the Vine or take a look at our calendar. I usually get a group of us together whenever they play there.
Sunset Bistro, 2051 Bridge View Ct. N Myrtle Beach SC. Nice patio on the Intercoastal Waterway. There’s entertainment there most Friday and Saturday nights from 6pm to 9pm on the patio. Harlequin is there on Thursday nights during the summer.