Registration for JUST ONE Dance Classes
Click the Add to Cart button below. Use the drop down arrow to change to BDPS Member price.
Add your payment information.
After you have completed this part, you must also complete and return the waiver, required because of Covid-10 protocols.
Covid Protocols
Capacity is limited and social distancing is required.
Temperatures will be checked at the door. Anyone with a temperature above 99 degrees will not be allowed to participate.
You must wear a mask except when actively dancing.
You must complete and sign the waiver before you can participate.
Refund Policy
Full refunds will be issued if BDPS cancels the session before it begins. (For example, because of low enrollment or government requirements)
Prorated refunds will be issued if we need to cancel any sessions once they start (for example, because of new government restrictions).
Full refunds will be issued if a participant cancels prior to 2 days before the session begins. Otherwise no refund will be issued.